Investigative Journalist Jeremy Scahill, author of Dirty Wars and Black Water, has a new Podcast totally worth subscribing to. The name of the podcast is Intercepted.
This week, Jeremy dedicated the whole hour to the Syria crisis. It starts out with Brian Williams drooling over America’s “beautiful weapons.” These media shills are not asking for evidence for why the bombing of Syria is necessary. Brian Williams is proof positive of that missed opportunity.
Jeremy interviewed Dennis Kucinich. Dennis explained his trip to Syria with Tulsi Gabbart, congresswoman from Hawaii, and an earlier visit Dennis made to Syria to speak with Bashar al-Assad. Presently, Tulsi is the only congressperson to ask for research into the reasons to bomb Syria. Suddenly, the Corporate Democrats are siding with Trump after vilifying him for weeks leading up to the Tomahawk strike. Now these same democrats have dropped the “Russia Russia Russia” neo- McCarthy narrative.
Jeremy also interviewed a Syrian man who lived with his family in Canada prior to the 911 attacks. After 911, he was kidnapped and detained at a US airport, taken back to Syria, where he was tortured by Assad’s Agents.
Asked if there should be a regime change in Syria, his answer was double edged: he both opposes Assad, and the US Intervention.
Now that Trump is emboldened by his popular Tomahawk cruise missile attack, he dropped the so-called “Mother Of All Bombs” on what the Trump administration wants you all to believe is an Isis target in Afghanistan. This just happened today.
As usual, the media elites are frothing at the mouth. Has the world gone mad?
Josh Fox, anti-fracking activist and filmmaker, said this bomb is in reality a carpet bomb, “designed to inflict massive casualties.”
Here is Josh and Tim Black discussing this crime against humanity, as well as Josh’s new film, on the Tim Black At Night Show: