We can decry Trump forever but until and unless the Democrats get with the program in alignment with working people and struggling masses, Trump will win again.
Only Bernie Sanders is addressing this issue, along with my favorite independent media sources, outlined on this recent post. I forgot to add Lee Camp of Redacted Tonight.
The oligarchy and plutocracy is in control here in the USA. This means the 1% wants to take our freedoms and money away to make themselves richer. They’ve already essentially done this for decades in the making. Trump is a symptom of this phenomenon.
Would the corporate democrats rather lose to Trump than win with a progressive democrat? Seems so, at great expense to a democracy existing in name only.
Freedom lies at the heart of these questions. When our family friend Ammon Hennacy was imprisoned for not paying the WW1 war tax, he came to a vital realization: freedom lies in the heart, mind and soul of the individual.
The warden was a controlling individual and disturbed Ammon’s ability to be at peace within himself. When he had his awakening, he forgave the warden. Suddenly, the warden and Ammon could communicate on a human level.
What about the democrats? Here is Jimmy Dore going on a classic rant against the Corporate Democrats: