What is the difference between starting a war with Syria and Russia by an easily triggered buffoon and a well seasoned neo-liberal/neocon (Hillary)?
None whatsoever.
Starting a war without doing research is what amateurs do. Starting war at all is what bloodthirsty greedy politicians do.
We need a third-party in America that represents peace, not war.
In the Trump rally’s leading up to the election, Trump magnetized his supporters with these words. Many voted for him based on these sentiments:
“We will pursue a new foreign-policy that finally learns from the mistakes of the past. We will stop looking to topple regimes, and overthrow governments. Our goal is stability not chaos.
“In our dealings with other countries, we will seek shared interest where-ever possible and pursue a new era of peace, understanding and goodwill.” Donald Trump 12/1/2016
Trump campaigned against the kind of intervention he launched last night, thus betraying his supporters and indeed Trumpism itself.
So when we hit the streets to protest this latest atrocity, expect to stand side-by-side with a few hundred or thousand Trump supporters.
It’s time to build bridges with the truth.