Is it wise to ignore politics altogether?
We survived the 2016 elections, in that we are still breathing. Please remember to breathe deeply and mindfully.
I predict the CIA and mainstream media are colluding against Donald Trump in the name of Russia, Russia, Russia.
As mentioned in Day #2 of this blog, Ray McGovern came to town, ex CIA operative, now anti-war activist. In the question and answer period, I asked him to elaborate on the Russia mania being disseminated by Main Stream Media and the Corporate Democrats.
He smiled and said he can imagine Hillary and her team at the Democratic National Convention, after Wikileaks revealed the theft of the election from Bernie Sanders.
He said they had to blame someone, so the Russia narrative was born.
Wikileaks also revealed in the Podesta emails how Trump was elevated by the press and The Hillary campaign, thinking the people would naturally vote for Hillary over Trump who presented himself in a hideous manner. Hillary was so confident in this maneuver she stopped campaigning. She did continue raising money from her corporate donors in the Hamptons, however.
Ray McGovern said if Bernie would have been given the nomination, which was rightfully his, Bernie would have beaten Trump 11/16.
Here is Ray McGovern and HA Goodman on a recent Crosstalk about the Russia Mania:
General Michael Flynn is asking for immunity from the FBI in exchange for his recent communication with a Russian Diplomat. Later on today, reportedly the immunity was denied.
Many of us have given up on Mainstream Media. They feed the frenzy of fear and propaganda the powers that be want you to believe.
So we’ve turned to Independent Media for our news. My favorites are Tim Black, HA Goodman, Stacy Herbert and Max Keiser of “The Keiser Report,” the Sane Progressive, Mike Papantonio, the Humanist Report with Mike Figueredo, Jimmy Dore of the Jimmy Dore Show, Jordan Chariton of The Young Turks, Abby Martin (here is Tim Black’s recent you tube interview with Abby Martin) The Way With Anoa, The Benjamin Dixon Show, Jeremy Scahill, Glenn Greenwald, Lee Fang, Zaid Jilani, Michael Tracey, Thom Hartmann, Democracy Now with Amy Goodman, RT News.
I may not agree with everything these outlets publish, but I respect all of them. And there are many more.
Independent Media allows me to continue absorbing the news. Twitter is one of my favorites, too, because all of my independent media favorites flash across my timeline. All of these outlets were formally for Bernie Sanders. Many sprung up in response to the strong progressive voice of the Sanders campaign.
It is up to me to spiritualized the news and in turn, spiritualized my life. I refuse to ignore the state of our union and our planet. We must tune into the life forces overseeing the Universe and we must pray for peace and healing, first of all, within, through prayer and meditation. The outer world will evolve accordingly.