A Real Antiwar Movement

Love Is The Spirit Of Aloha

One of my friends recently told me that the biggest Antiwar Movement in America happened during WW1, led mostly by women. 

In this exact moment in time, becoming an Antiwar activist entails becoming a lie detector. We automatically separate the wheat from the chaff. Anyone who joins the movement is repelled by neocons and neo liberals. We can’t be hoodwinked by the Corporate democrats who are faux appalled by the immigrant ban, yet support Trumps bombing airfields with tomahawks on April 6 and beyond.

Hillary Surrogates like Howard Dean and Neera Tanden are calling for Tulsi Gabbard, member of Hawaii Congress,  to step down because she is anti war and against regime change. Tulsi is on the right side of history. She is an Iraq War Veteran. She has seen the consequences of war and wants to be sure others won’t have to.

Here are some of her recent tweets:




Tulsi Gabbard was a Bernie Sanders Surrogate and is highly revered amongst his supporters. We hope she will run in 2020 for President.

If she does, Trump will lose. If a Corporate Dem is chosen to run in the ilk of the Clintons, or Clinton herself, Trump will win.

Meanwhile, let us join together and with Tulsi to resist all war. We will sleep better at night if we do.

Are Democrats for Voters or Donors?

Here is Ammon Hennacy, close family friend.

     We can decry Trump forever but until and unless the Democrats get with the program in alignment with working people and struggling masses, Trump will win again.

     Only Bernie Sanders is addressing this issue, along with my favorite independent media sources, outlined on this recent post. I forgot to add Lee Camp of Redacted Tonight.

     The oligarchy and plutocracy is in control here in the USA. This means the 1% wants to take our freedoms and money away to make themselves richer. They’ve already essentially done this for decades in the making. Trump is a symptom of this phenomenon.

     Would the corporate democrats rather lose to Trump than win with a progressive democrat? Seems so, at great expense to a democracy existing in name only.

     Freedom lies at the heart of these questions. When our family friend Ammon Hennacy was imprisoned for not paying the WW1 war tax, he came to a vital realization: freedom lies in the heart, mind and soul of the individual. 

     The warden was a controlling individual and disturbed Ammon’s ability to be at peace within himself. When he had his awakening, he forgave the warden. Suddenly, the warden and Ammon could communicate on a human level. 

     What about the democrats? Here is Jimmy Dore going on a classic rant against the Corporate Democrats:

Ignoring Politics? Is It Possible? Or Wise?

Seek For That Which Makes You Strong.
     Is it wise to ignore politics altogether?
     We survived the 2016 elections, in that we are still breathing. Please remember to breathe deeply and mindfully.
     I predict the CIA and mainstream media are colluding against Donald Trump in the name of Russia, Russia, Russia.
     As mentioned in Day #2 of this blog, Ray McGovern came to town, ex CIA operative, now anti-war activist. In the question and answer period, I asked him to elaborate on the Russia mania being disseminated by Main Stream Media and the Corporate Democrats.
     He smiled and said he can imagine Hillary and her team at the Democratic National Convention, after Wikileaks revealed the theft of the election from Bernie Sanders.
     He said they had to blame someone, so the Russia narrative was born.
     Wikileaks also revealed in the Podesta emails how Trump was elevated by the press and The Hillary campaign, thinking the people would naturally vote for Hillary over Trump who presented himself in a hideous manner. Hillary was so confident in this maneuver she stopped campaigning. She did continue raising money from her corporate donors in the Hamptons, however.
     Ray McGovern said if Bernie would have been given the nomination, which was rightfully his, Bernie would have beaten Trump 11/16.
     Here is Ray McGovern and HA Goodman on a recent Crosstalk about the Russia Mania:

     General Michael Flynn is asking for immunity from the FBI in exchange for his recent communication with a Russian Diplomat. Later on today, reportedly the immunity was denied.
     Many of us have given up on Mainstream Media. They feed the frenzy of fear and propaganda the powers that be want you to believe.
     I may not agree with everything these outlets publish, but I respect all of them. And there are many more.
     Independent Media allows me to continue absorbing the news. Twitter is one of my favorites, too, because all of my independent media favorites flash across my timeline. All of these outlets were formally for Bernie Sanders. Many sprung up in response to the strong progressive voice of the Sanders campaign.
     It is up to me to spiritualized the news and in turn, spiritualized my life. I refuse to ignore the state of our union and our planet. We must tune into the life forces overseeing the Universe and we must pray for peace and healing, first of all, within, through prayer and meditation.  The outer world will evolve accordingly.

Birdie Sanders Day

My husband nearly died of a massive coronary on my birthday 3/3/17. He was admitted to our local hospital’s Cardiac Unit 3/2 for chest pain, was on a nitroglycerin drip over night.

     The next day at 6am, he experienced excruciating chest pain, the classic text book symptom described as “Feels like an elephant just sat on my chest.”
     Now we going through cardiac rehab together and visiting the cardiologist. We love this doctor. He is a vegan and we have already begun a plant based life style changing diet. Apparently most of his patients are terrified of giving up meat, more terrified of that than dying of a heart attack.
     Tom’s Cardiac Rehab is covered 100% by Medicare. We want everyone to have Medicare. Now that Trump’s health bill collapsed, (Matt Bruenig describes this well),  Medicare for all Universal Health care is the only replacement worth implementing.
     We can’t accept no for an answer. The Corporate Dems want to preserve and improve Obamacare. This is not possible because the Health Insurance Lobby is more concerned with their stock holdings than they are with We The People’s health.
    We must fight for health care for all people. Pennsylvania did an economic impact study showing billions of dollars will be saved by implementing Single Payer.
     California is introducing a Single Payer bill called SB 562, and if and when it passes, we will all have this state by state. It is only a matter of time.
     Bernie Sanders announced on Birdie Sanders day, the day a year ago when a little birdie landed on Bernie’s podium during a huge rally in Portland Oregon, that he will be introducing a Medicare For All Bill to congress in a matter of days.
     Let us not “Resist” mindlessly. Let us pick an issue close to our heart and “Persist.” Let’s face it, giving up meat is the best thing we can do for the heart of our planet. That action alone would reverse the Climate Crisis. But that is a topic for another day.